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Renew your car insurance
When we are going to renew our car insurance, with the automatic renewal we will not obtain practically advantages, only in some cases the bonuses, if they come. Renew without comparing is not the best decision for our pocket; because we do not take into account the large number of companies competing in the insurance sector, providing the user with freedom of choice and the possibility of finding the best insurance in terms of price-quality.

› Guide to car insurance renewal

Extending the commitment with our insurer for another year is not something we should decide without weighing other options. It is time to assess our overall satisfaction with the company. In some cases, we take advantage to look for other offers and try to improve the price. That is, if we are clear about the insurance renewal process: when it occurs, what we have to do about it and what our rights and obligations are.

In most companies, the policy that is applied is that of automatic renewal. That is to say, if we do not notify in the foreseen term our desire not to renew, the company considers that we are interested in extending the contract. And he understands this because it is established in the Insurance Contract Law, which also regulates car insurance, such as contracts between a company and a client that they are.

We may be, as we said at the beginning of the article, completely satisfied with our company. But after the renovation we may have an unpleasant surprise when we see how the premium increases and change our opinion. As users and consumers we must be clear about our rights. In any case, companies must also respect the Insurance Contract Law and allow us to cancel our insurance - even without prior notice - if they have not respected the established deadline to notify us of the variations in our insurance contract.

If the company plans to increase the premium, that is, modify the contract that we subscribe to them substantially (such as raising the price), it must notify its client in writing, in the same way as it would. : respecting the means (written notification) and the deadlines set for it. Before the insurance is renewed, the client must know the changes in the conditions previously accepted, since it means signing a different agreement.

If the conditions change, we have the right to choose if we want to continue in the same company. If the insurer breaches its obligations in this regard, we could cancel our insurance without taking into account the deadlines because the Insurance Contract Law backs us or refuses to accept the increase, so the company could not apply it.

› Before renewing better compare

Teniendo una visión general de las pólizas disponibles en el mercado, las ventajas para nuevos clientes o las promociones con las que las compañías tratan de captar nuestra atención, cambiar de compañía puede suponer un ahorro e incluso mejorar las condiciones de nuestra póliza. De hecho, hay compañías que mantienen tus bonificaciones al cambiarte, ofreciéndote un precio igual de ventajoso que al acumula un largo historial de buen conductor.
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